IRS Debt Relief

Florence Residents Need IRS Debt Relief

IRS Debt ReliefTax season begins in January, and can be a stressful time for everyone. If you filed your taxes and found that you owed money to the government, you could be even more stressed out than usual. Worse, if you do not have the money you owe, you may flounder to know how to proceed.

Unfortunately, some people in these situations simply do not pay their taxes, and that can get them into trouble with the IRS in the long run. If you have any IRS Debt, you should know that the Internal Revenue Service has options for negotiating to pay your tax debts.

Possible Compromises on IRS Debt for South Carolina Residents

If you do not have enough extra income to pay your IRS debt, you are not alone. Here are a few possible scenarios that you can use to negotiate with the IRS to receive some debt relief:
· Doubt regarding liability: do you actually owe that much money during tax season? If you believe you do not, you should speak with an IRS debt attorney immediately to figure out the best way to negotiate how much you owe to the IRS.

· Double as to collectability: if you simply do not have enough money to pay your tax burden, and it is unlikely you will in the future, then the IRS will negotiate temporary or permanent debt relief. However, the process can be complicated, so consider speaking with an IRS debt attorney to understand the negotiation process better.

· Effective Tax Administration: this statute is used most often when a tax payer has suffered a long-term illness, permanent disability, or other severe hardship that has changed their financial status so much they are unable to pay their tax burden in any way and cover basic survival needs like food and shelter at the same time.

I Have Too Much IRS Debt, Help!

If you began the tax filing process and you discovered that you have a large amount of IRS debt, you may worry that you will be unable to repay the money. The IRS will not automatically begin negotiations with you, because they would like their money all at once. They could even begin seizing property or taking money out of your pay check until the tax burden is repaid. However, you have many rights in this process, so contact an IRS debt relief attorney for assistance as soon as possible. The Strom Law Firm offers free, confidential consultations regarding your IRS debt, so contact us today. 803.252.4800

Non-Collectible IRS Debt

Non-Collectible IRS Debt and Residents of Isle of Palms

Non-Collectible IRS DebtSouth Carolinians must pay both federal and state taxes annually, which for many who are just beginning to recover from the recession can mean lean times at best, or serious IRS debt at worst.

Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service will not wait for you to pay your taxes when you are able. They can take your property and pay checks until you have repaid your IRS debt. This could not only put you in financial hardship, but could mean that you face eviction, hunger, or homelessness.

If you face any serious hardship regarding basic necessities due to IRS debt, you are not alone, and you do have the right to negotiate with the IRS to repay or remove your debt.

Non-Collectible Status in South Carolina

If you do not have any extra money to repay your IRS debt, you could file for non-collectible status. However, as a tax payer, you only qualify for this status if you use every penny from your existing paycheck to cover your living expenses, or the expenses of your family – this includes rent, food, and other necessities.

Fortunately, if you have extra money left from your paycheck, you do not necessarily have to pay all of your IRS debt in one lump sum. If you have some funds remaining at the end of the month, you can also negotiate an installment agreement with the IRS.

However, negotiations can be difficult. The IRS wants their money now, and will pressure you to prove beyond any doubt that you suffer financial hardship by paying your tax burden at once. To help speed up and smooth out the process, you should find an IRS debt relief attorney for help.

I Can’t Pay My IRS Debt Without Losing My Home

If you will suffer loss of basic necessities because the IRS is pressuring you to pay your tax debt all at once, you should contact an IRS debt relief attorney immediately. The Strom Law Firm understands that you need your paycheck to provide for yourself and your family, and we will negotiate every angle with the IRS to help relieve your non-collectible IRS debt. We offer free consultations to discuss the facts of your case, so contact us today for help. 803.252.4800

IRS Debt Statues of Limitations

Kershaw County Residents Must Understand IRS Debt Statues of Limitations

IRS Debt Statues of LimitationsIf you have unpaid IRS debt, then you may worry when the Internal Revenue Service will come for you. How long do you have before the debt is invalid? How long do you have to find the money to pay your IRS debt?

If you have unpaid IRS debt, you should contact an IRS debt relief attorney immediately to begin the negotiation process and defend your rights. The IRS has 10 years to audit your tax files and discover that you did not pay your debt, and they can take your property or your paycheck to begin repaying the tax burden.

Statute of Limitations Affects South Carolinians’ IRS Debt

Although the IRS says they have only 10 years to audit and assess your potential tax burden, there are numerous exceptions to their rule. If you have been outside the US for six months, then they can add six months to their 10 year assessment. If you are going through bankruptcy, then the IRS will not assess your tax debt during that time, but then they can add six months to their assessment time frame.

Understanding the statute of limitations can make the difference between the IRS seizing your assets, and being able to negotiate IRS debt relief. However, the statutes of limitations are very complex and understanding them alone can be difficult. If you are concerned that you have unpaid IRS debt, you should contact an IRS debt relief attorney immediately for help understanding the complexities of tax law.

I Might Have Unpaid IRS Debt, What Do I Do?

If you have unpaid IRS debt, or if you are unsure you have unpaid IRS debt, you do not have to suffer in silence. The IRS debt relief attorneys at the Strom Law Firm understand the nuances of tax law, and can help negotiate a repayment schedule or another form of debt relief to help you focus on your job and your family. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation. 803.252.4800