IRS Debt Statues of Limitations

Kershaw County Residents Must Understand IRS Debt Statues of Limitations

IRS Debt Statues of LimitationsIf you have unpaid IRS debt, then you may worry when the Internal Revenue Service will come for you. How long do you have before the debt is invalid? How long do you have to find the money to pay your IRS debt?

If you have unpaid IRS debt, you should contact an IRS debt relief attorney immediately to begin the negotiation process and defend your rights. The IRS has 10 years to audit your tax files and discover that you did not pay your debt, and they can take your property or your paycheck to begin repaying the tax burden.

Statute of Limitations Affects South Carolinians’ IRS Debt

Although the IRS says they have only 10 years to audit and assess your potential tax burden, there are numerous exceptions to their rule. If you have been outside the US for six months, then they can add six months to their 10 year assessment. If you are going through bankruptcy, then the IRS will not assess your tax debt during that time, but then they can add six months to their assessment time frame.

Understanding the statute of limitations can make the difference between the IRS seizing your assets, and being able to negotiate IRS debt relief. However, the statutes of limitations are very complex and understanding them alone can be difficult. If you are concerned that you have unpaid IRS debt, you should contact an IRS debt relief attorney immediately for help understanding the complexities of tax law.

I Might Have Unpaid IRS Debt, What Do I Do?

If you have unpaid IRS debt, or if you are unsure you have unpaid IRS debt, you do not have to suffer in silence. The IRS debt relief attorneys at the Strom Law Firm understand the nuances of tax law, and can help negotiate a repayment schedule or another form of debt relief to help you focus on your job and your family. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation. 803.252.4800